Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My experience

I am 48 year old lives in Mumbai, my wife joined BK as student three years back. Initially I objected to the lifestyle she started following in short time, including cutting of husband-wife relationship. Gradually she started refusing outings with friends, lost interest in going to the office etc.

She also become very close too the of BK Sister Ansula at Parla center, though we live in Powai. Ansula and her Sister Anu, head of Ghatkopar, started giving VIP treatment to her and started manipulating her psychologically. She became a puppet of them in no time. They started giving her projects in Powai area to promote and teach about BK.

During this period, she started hating me since I would object her activities like getting up at 3.30 am then 2-3 hours meditation and reading, half an hour call from Ansula at 6 AM. Then in the office (she goes to off with me) she will get 5-6 calls from BK sisters-students ...

Evening, she will spend 3-4 hours on reading BK stuff or watching videos of BKs.

During end of December, I complained this to BK Ansula that her so much involvement in our life is affecting my family life through a SMS message, upon which she called up my wife.

After her call to my wife, she fainted and we had to admit her to the nearby hospital where she went through psychological treatment costing us 1.5 lacs ruppees. Not a single person came from the BKs during her 11 day stay at the hospital. During her stay, she was in a hysterical state of mind as I complained to her BK Sister. Even now, after 8 weeks, she is in similar state of mind, she threatens me that if restrict her from the BK she will commit suicide. She still undergoing psychiatric treatment however there is hardly much improvement in her life. I took her to a very senior psychologist in Mumbai and, after talking with her, the counsellor says she can try treating her but her case is extreme and she is so determined to follow the BK's path that counselling may not be successful.

I am personally with two sons and we are going through this phase of life where we do not really know what to do, most of my and her family members lives in Kolkata. She does not even want to go and stay with her mother for few days, she thinks that she will be ridiculed by people around her family.


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  2. क्या मैँ आपके इस ARTICLE को ब्लोग पर PUBLISH कर दूँ? क्या आप अधिक जानकारी दे सकते हैँ ? www.sanatansewa.blogspot.in

  3. Hello, I have read your bad situation and I want to offer you a possible method to help you overcome the problem with this dangerous cult of the BK. Many years ago I have been a member myself, thus I know what I speak of. I cannot guarantee success however. Why it is so difficult to beat, I will try to explain as short as possible.
    Firstly, you must understand that the BK religion is like many cults in our times founded through demonic channelling. The entitie(s) that come to speak through the medium claims to be God himself and gives his vision on life, on this world, where it is heading to (apocalypse) and how to lead your life now as to become part of a Golden Age elite that will survive the disaster and prosper in a blissful state. The whole teaching is in fact aimed at making you work as hard as possible to achieve a high status, because it is believed that there is a hierarchy of souls with clear numbers. This is spiritual corruption at the highest degree.
    Secondly, by listening to these teachings every day and by meditating wit this so-called "God", astral gates are opened that give demons the ability to take more and more control of a person's life. No normal psychic counselling will change this, even when the person in question would want to leave.
    Now I will give you a short description of a possible cure for this demonic influence in your wife's life. You may leave it or take it.
    What you can try is an ancient form of magic called candle reversal magic. Take a candle (any color though dark or black is more appropriate) and cut off the wig. Turn it around and cut away the wax as to reveal the wig on that side. Now you have a reversed candle. Next you heat up a little bit of olive oil (look the web for "reversal oils" for more appropriate kinds) together with a reversal herb (for example agrimony). You will also need a mirror on which you will place the candle (let some wax drip on it to secure it). Now write with a pointed object on the candle in reverse order what it is you want to reverse. For example: Demon possession BK "wife" (her name). In reverse: nomed niossessop KB "name". Now hold this candle in your hands for a while and ask it to help you to reverse the demonic possession of your wife. Channel all the disturbed energy in your body and mind that has been caused by the BK religion into this candle. Note that your are NOT asking other demons or spirits for help. You are calling forth the powers of your own unconscious which is vastly greater than that of your conscious ego. When you feel that all this bad energy is going into the candle and you are done, secure the candle on the mirror. Now pour some of the warmed up reversal oil+herb on the candle. Lit up the candle with a match. You can also burn incense (preferably Sage) for all the negative energies. The behaviour of the candle will reveal how deep the trouble is, you will see. The larger the problem, the more difficulties will arise to prepare and light the candle and the slower it will burn. Light up such a candle every day and watch closely what happens. Also try to find the right words to channel your thoughts on.
    In my many encounters and numerous fights with demons and their influence, I have found that this candle method is the most powerful method to achieve something.
    If on the other hand you do not believe in magic and demons, this method will not work of course. For me it is easy because I do not have to believe, I have witnessed all of it myself.
    Lastly, you can also play and chant this mantra of Shiva which I have found to be helpful to deal with demonic entities:
    I wish you all the best and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. It is my innermost wish to help people free themselves from demonic entities in their lives. If you try out this method, I would like to hear how it works out.
    brucefree /@/ telenet.be

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    2. Why blame the BKs if your wife can't handle herself? Does she not come across as obsessive?

    3. Seriously feeling to laugh on his teachings.....Tu khud Ko hee Gyan dey....Dusro Ko teri philosophy mat Bata in short.....Last option treatment Kara le....

    4. Someone should do sting operation against this most fraud organization. Kya hai ye, kya humari khud ki such nahi hai?pity on all bk believers.. shame!

  4. brahma kumari cult exposed is not the right topic for your experience. its not something that majority of people experience. please change it

    1. I agree...PLEASE. you look pathetic posting something like this. The only message I get is your wife couldn't handle the new found knowledge. A counsellor would have helped.

    2. Dadi Janki lives in Fortress now guarded by security. They are billionaire having all lavish life in name of GOD. A good parent never discriminate his kids then How can Supreme father promises everything to one cult ridden children and nothing who do not do buttering. A capable father judge his success by making his son higher in talent compared to himself but your supreme father made you permanent inferior. BKs are perhaps richest cult in name of GOD in India

    3. Billionaire live life like Asram baapu or like baba ram Rahim....Idiot person Ajay for your kind information Dadi Janki name is records book for mind stable in any situation.....Teri Aukat bhi nahi to stand in front of her....She is like mother and it shows how much u respect your mother or grandmother..... Atleast respect your wife......Otherwise she will respect someone else...

    4. Dadi ka ginnibook of world record kisi copy to bhejo

  5. Hey Bro,

    Sorry to read about your situation. It is painful when your own family member is possessed by external powers and refuses to come back to reality.

    One thing I can understand from your post is that, your wife's is not a mere physical or psychological situation. Apart from this it is more of a spiritual depravity. In the spirit world, there are angel and demons. If you are captured by the demons, then it is very difficult to get out because there are many things that happen in the demonic world even if you want to get out, because they have already captured the soul.

    There is no psychological treatment will relieve your wife off of this dilemma. Only the truth shall set her free. You can pray for her, but unless you believe in prayer, it won't work.

    I was born to a hindu family and in my adult life I had some deep issues in my life and it was Jesus that set me free. It was not by someone else's force or coaxing, but it was through his word and through his calling in my life. I know that I can never be captured by any demons, because it is the spirit of God who is protecting me. Your wife needs Jesus in her life and ask his spirit to dwell in her which will permanently set her free from the demonic world. If you read the bible you would know, the demons were trembled in front of Jesus.

    My suggestion is that brother, you continuously seek Jesus on behalf of your wife and ask Jesus to set her free. This won't cost you any money, or won't require to convert into being a christian or anything else. This requires your time and your faith. Ask Jesus with faith and believe that he will set your wife free. It will happen. Please try this and let me know. But, please ask with FAITH in JESUS.

    Let me know the outcome and mail me if this worked. suneelkondeti@gmail.com

  6. Hey Bro,

    Sorry to read about your situation. It is painful when your own family member is possessed by external powers and refuses to come back to reality.

    One thing I can understand from your post is that, your wife's is not a mere physical or psychological situation. Apart from this it is more of a spiritual depravity. In the spirit world, there are angel and demons. If you are captured by the demons, then it is very difficult to get out because there are many things that happen in the demonic world even if you want to get out, because they have already captured the soul.

    There is no psychological treatment will relieve your wife off of this dilemma. Only the truth shall set her free. You can pray for her, but unless you believe in prayer, it won't work.

    I was born to a hindu family and in my adult life I had some deep issues in my life and it was Jesus that set me free. It was not by someone else's force or coaxing, but it was through his word and through his calling in my life. I know that I can never be captured by any demons, because it is the spirit of God who is protecting me. Your wife needs Jesus in her life and ask his spirit to dwell in her which will permanently set her free from the demonic world. If you read the bible you would know, the demons were trembled in front of Jesus.

    My suggestion is that brother, you continuously seek Jesus on behalf of your wife and ask Jesus to set her free. This won't cost you any money, or won't require to convert into being a christian or anything else. This requires your time and your faith. Ask Jesus with faith and believe that he will set your wife free. It will happen. Please try this and let me know. But, please ask with FAITH in JESUS.

    Let me know the outcome and mail me if this worked. suneelkondeti@gmail.com

  7. Below link you can find the answer by osho about BK false propaganda.http://www.brahmakumaris.info/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2799

    1. What does Osho know? He himself is a fraud. At least the BK leaders have a clean record. Go check out Dadi Janki & Dadi Gulzar and see if you can find a speck?

    2. i am facing same problem all sisters doing brainwah to ledis. be ware with them.

      ब्रह्म कुमारी की बहनो से सावधान

      1. घरेलु माताओं और बहनों को अपनी मीठी बातों में फ़साना.

      2. घरेलु माताओं और बहनों का ब्रेनवाश करके घर में झगड़ा करवाने. पति और पत्नी को आपस में लड़ाना, उनका अलगाव करवाना, घर को तोडना, उनका आपस में तलाक तक करवाना. भगवान् के नाम पर औरतों को गुमराह करना.

      3. मन शांति और मैडिटेशन के नाम पे उनको बरगलाना.

      4. इनलोगो के कारण घर बर्बाद हो रहा है , पति या तो आत्महत्या कर लेता है या फिर पत्नी तो मार देता है . ये बहुत बड़ा क्राइम कर रहे है और किसी को पता तक नहीं चल रहा है.

      5. मेरे घर को इन्होने बर्बाद किया है , प्लीज आप लोग इनसे बचे और अपने माताओं बहनों को इनके सेंटर पर नहीं जाने दे.

      6. शुरुआत में एक दो साल तक पता नहीं चलेगा बाद में आपके घर में झगड़ा शुरू हो जायेगा जो बाद में तलाक या आत्महत्या तक चला जायेगा सच जानने के लिए गूगल पर सर्च करे लखो भैया का रिव्यु और आपबीती जाने , इनके अगेंस्ट कोई साबुत नहीं मिलेगा और आपका घर बर्बाद होते चला जायेगा.

      7. इसीलिए इनसे बचे और अपने परिवार के साथ खुश रहे.

      8. भगवन कभी ऐसा नहीं कहता वो तो सभी को खुश देखना चाहता है और सच्चे बनाता है.

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  9. Hi,


    My qualifications to make the comment-- Been in three such cults (including communism) and seen it through. The Agenda of 99.99% organisations are sinister.NOW, I am aFREE INDIVIDUAL with KNOWLEDGE in Intrigue.

    THE CHEAPEST WAY TO MAKE SOMEONE WORK FOR YOU IS TO MAKE THEM IDEOLOGICALLY DRIVEN (you know it better). That is what is behind all the drama.

    I understand your situation and feel sorry for you.

    Your wife has been indoctrinated beyond the extent imaginable. It is shocking but, that is what they do-- conduct a brainwashing blitzkrieg.

    I assume your wife is educated and has a wide social circle, being a working woman. This makes it easier. Remember, things could have been worse.

    Any cult which requires oneself to NEGLECT FAMILY AND SOCIAL OBLIGATIONS is a unscrupulous one .

    Once she realizes it, all will fall into place. You can join a cult on one condition, YOU BECOME ITS LEADER AND MAKE ZE RULES.

    Never mind people who commented above advising you that she needs 'Jesus' or this and that etc. I was a part of that cult too and know their agenda as well.

    YOUR WIFE REQUIRES PROFESSIONAL ATTENTION i.e. psychatry treatment AND TIME. Let her read good books and keep her busy and occupied. All will fall into place.


    Read more at--




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  11. http://narrativesofaformeradventurist.blogspot.in/2016/08/distorting-truth-adding-masala-and.html

  12. http://narrativesofaformeradventurist.blogspot.in/2016/08/distorting-truth-adding-masala-and.html

  13. Hi Sir, I am 40 and had 2 children and going through the same situation. My wife also stopped all relationship for almost last 1 year. I went to meet mother of sister shivani where they prentended that they are not teaching such things and then I did course 2 times. The hidden agenda is very dangerous. They hypnotize the entire family and get thier children so that they should not marry and ultimately everything goes to them. Please suggest what to do..

    1. Can u share ur no. Want to speak to u.. I am having same problem

    2. True yogi, I know of married women who attend BK classes & still continue with normal life. I am shocked to hear such things as BKs hypnotising. I have been doing BK yoga since 1989, eating vege food and having an open attitude towards husband's needs. To date no one has pushed my family. They r the non-vegetarians they were. We are a happy family. Pl speak to a senior person from the HQ if u have challenges. Shivani is a married woman too.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. i am facing same problem

      pls massage with contact no. info.binay@yahoo.com

      ब्रह्म कुमारी की बहनो से सावधान

      1. घरेलु माताओं और बहनों को अपनी मीठी बातों में फ़साना.

      2. घरेलु माताओं और बहनों का ब्रेनवाश करके घर में झगड़ा करवाने. पति और पत्नी को आपस में लड़ाना, उनका अलगाव करवाना, घर को तोडना, उनका आपस में तलाक तक करवाना. भगवान् के नाम पर औरतों को गुमराह करना.

      3. मन शांति और मैडिटेशन के नाम पे उनको बरगलाना.

      4. इनलोगो के कारण घर बर्बाद हो रहा है , पति या तो आत्महत्या कर लेता है या फिर पत्नी तो मार देता है . ये बहुत बड़ा क्राइम कर रहे है और किसी को पता तक नहीं चल रहा है.

      5. मेरे घर को इन्होने बर्बाद किया है , प्लीज आप लोग इनसे बचे और अपने माताओं बहनों को इनके सेंटर पर नहीं जाने दे.

      6. शुरुआत में एक दो साल तक पता नहीं चलेगा बाद में आपके घर में झगड़ा शुरू हो जायेगा जो बाद में तलाक या आत्महत्या तक चला जायेगा सच जानने के लिए गूगल पर सर्च करे लखो भैया का रिव्यु और आपबीती जाने , इनके अगेंस्ट कोई साबुत नहीं मिलेगा और आपका घर बर्बाद होते चला जायेगा.

      7. इसीलिए इनसे बचे और अपने परिवार के साथ खुश रहे.

      8. भगवन कभी ऐसा नहीं कहता वो तो सभी को खुश देखना चाहता है और सच्चे बनाता है.

    5. Singh Sahab aapne patni aur betiyoo se bhi savdhaan ho jaayo.....beva becu don't respect any girl or women in World.....I feel Savdhan from Singh because he needs mental doctor..m

    6. Pl contact me, same case with, I need suffered from bk, to raice my voice pl call 7417638112

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  18. Your description of your wife leads me to believe that she had been struggling with emotional issues prior to the BK entering her life. I am sorry for the suffering this situation brings to you and your family. Perhaps with continuous help from mental health providers, she will able to find a balance in her life. I do do not think it is fair to blame this exclusively on BK, whether they are a "cult" or not. I hope all of you find peace.

  19. BK is totally fraud don't even go there, they have attracting power, they are against every religion, according to them every religion is impure.
    They force young unmarried girls to detach from family give service, wear white clothes, stop eating garlic & onion, no temple worship, no gurus, no parents, extreme detachment from material world.
    They teach stupid facts like shiv & Shankar is different.
    There is nothing like meditation in there course, you have to listen to the commentary (Murli) which will wash your brain completely, all this is done in a dark red rooms, making you feel dipress.
    In few days to feel that entire world is useless & hopeless, you will remain silent at home looking for peace but you'll get frustrated & no other option rather going back to BK sisters.
    Note:- BK sisters are sweet poison, they hipnotise easily, don't make eye contact with them.

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    3. We think we are bodies so we bring god down to our level in the form of matter and say he is also in matter when we have forgotten who we are, then how will we connect to god. Once we know we are soul, then we connect with energy of god in thoughts or prayers. regardless even if you do have idols it doesn't matter your connection to god can still happen if you have purity and connect with him with honesty. It is more magnified and stronger connection when the fog on the mirror of self is clear that I am a soul. spiritual practice clears the fog in the soul.

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  20. Hi gaurav
    I have recently started believing bks but reading the views I am afraid whom to believe? I have heard that they don't charge for any meditation class.and you say that they r hypnotizing people.what is the reason you r saying like dat.please reply.

    1. Sir/Madam I think you have brain and you are mature enough to judge what is Right or Wrong....If you want to ask from Negative people then your big fool......A negative person gives only negative opinion....Atleast go there and see what they teaching if you feel it's correct then follow otherwise leave it...What is scare in these....They are not sending you in War

    2. Ghotkar.yogita@gmail.com
      I am with you guys, my brother is involved and he is ruining his life in this

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  23. Brahma kumaris r ruining people and their family life -- I request the persons who has suffered due to bks should unite and fight with this evil -- we should pressurise government to check their ashrams -- their lie of saying shiv enters body of dadi gulzar is fake unrealistic -- truth should come before people -- so that lot of families can be saved -- let us all come forward to bring real picture of bks before nation -- we can contact media also zee news India today etc -- let us all come forward to expose them otherwise it will be too late

    1. yes i am agree with you

      send ur contact no. info.binay@yahoo.com

    2. Sir I am agree with you contact no 9880485099

    3. Are if your evil then to whom we should contact Mr.Kuldeep....Tere ghar ki ya khud ki Sacchai bataa.......Tere jaane mein bhi kisko interest hain .....Govern Government knows who they are not like you they are fool....Truth should come .....Aapne Ghar Ko right cheeze bol aur uspe chalne bol wohi kaafi hain.....Aur tu kuch mat karo...

    4. Ghotkar.yogita@gmail.com

      I am with you guys to talk to government

  24. All is bull shit......and why u using bk before your name , as if you are Alexander the great.... Even he ended. Such a stupidity will not be entertained on technological advance gadgets like mobile. You guys better keep your stories behind the four walls of your ashrams only.... We have seen babas sadhus, bk's guys involvement in stupid practices since ages. You guys are one of them ..all traveling in same boat

    1. In which boat you are traveling.....A fake illogical boat.....Don't compare BK with other Ashrams.....Tujhe bolu u r behaving like donkey ....So think and speak...

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Are what they are up to you....It's there life.....Tujhe kon force kar raha hain khud ka life dekh....Does anyone commenting in your life....khud ka sacchai dekh pehle.....Khud kya hain aur khudne aaj tak Kiya.....

  26. Dear All brother please share your contact no. to me send massage to info.binay@yahoo.com.

    we should be united . nothing would be happen to wright here.

    we will go to legal and court against brahamkumaris sister.

    1. Such a fool person I have not seen want to go court that too against those people who are doing right thing....Singh Sahab first urself and make your people right then those Indians who are doing Crime.....Such a fool like you never seen ...

    2. bks aqre cult who manipulate you. first they claimed world end at 1986 then 2000 and now 2036..bastards

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Your wife took a fast trip to renunciation. .she needs to slow way down and fulfill the duties of a householder first. If she keeps rushing forward, even her spiritual life will fall apart as it has. Allow her some freedom, but not to be swept away. Talk to authorities to have a more moderate practice. Good luck.

  28. The People who have zero level of understanding they are commenting on others ......BK are doing and following right things.....Are commenting on them first see your character and see your family first how much they are doing right and wrong things.....Pehle khud Ko dekho....DONT compare BK with your Asram Bapu all that foolish people......Go to Rajasthan and see there living of life then you will understand....Aur tum Jaise logo Ko God dikhegaa bhi bahi....Becase you all People are filled with Negative thougtts.....Don't know ghar pe Baccho Kya Sikaatey rahengey......From your all comments shows your Nature.....

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. U people are brainwashed by bks....

  29. You have similar comments on all internet channels. Do your leaders tell you what to post instead of your murali.

  30. bks are fraud..its a cult which emotionally isolate you to get your assets..stay away from brahmakumaris..their dadi gulzar uses creepy voice saying shiv entered her..its christian missionary sponsored who wants hindus to follow celibacy and end their lives..research

  31. I know BK's are fake..
    I was a part of BK family for 10 years. I left it 2 years ago. 12 yrs back when I was so tired of my life and problems i preyed a god to help me. I was so depressed so I went to find a god and ended up with bks student.
    I heard their all concepts and I felt like it's true. so started talking to father in my mind .Similar to your wife i wake at 3 am for Amritvela meditation.
    So I started recovering my mentally condition. I get my confidence back in life. so i decided to not ger married instant i join BK's family.
    After some time of joining as i found politics between sisters. senior sisters dominated juniors. I found dadi gulzar fakes Murli. and soul of shivbaba. After learning all reality It was so disturbing.
    I waste my life's 10yrs to find truth. and my life's biggest loss is I lost my loved ones who warned me to not join Bks.
    I lost my family. everyone goes away from me.
    I don't attain my mother's funeral ( thinking of rebirth , karma, her role end in this drama and detachment..etc)
    I left and broke every relations and friends saying they don't know I found a god.
    I got so disturb mentally , emotionally and took 2 years to be normal.
    I learned my lesson. The world is full of evil people they are just
    waiting for you to be weak to attack and manipulate. Stay alert.
    Never forget "Unity is the best policy"
    I try to warn people through comment but BK's squad remove comments.
    they never want people to learn the truth.

    1. Pl give me your m no
      My m no 7417638112,I want to take out from bk cult, may be you can help me

    2. Pl give me your m no or call me on 7417638112,need help

    3. Pl contact me ,we are awaiting people regarding bks

  32. Seriously why these terrorists are not being captivated?!

  33. I am about to loose my wife due to BK's. They have mind washed my educated wife. I don't know what to do. She is just 36.Can anyone help me out.
    However I had created a group on Facebook named as" WE ARE AGAINST BRAHMAKUMARIS". Request all of you to join this group & keep commenting there,so that we can make a public presentation.

  34. Yes bk is a nonsense cult. My friend is being sucked into this blackhole of bk. Don't know where her wisdom has gone.

  35. She has started avoiding all relations and thinks that food made bye is also impure. I want to ask these bk women why don't you grow your own food when all outside food is impure.why do you buy it from outside. Most of them have underlying psychological issues which they cover up with this bk garb.

    1. U r absolutely right...but why govt is not doing anything against this dangerous cult

  36. Shivani is highly nonsense and keeps repeating same things and pretends to be this great , sweet person. But she is into this bk business and is happy with all the fame and place that she has got in this cult.

    1. She is honey trapper....baatein kuch bataati aur center mai kuch aur sikhaya jaata hai

    2. What is your experince
      Feel free to share on 7417638112

  37. Pl give me your m no I am in same bort, my wife is in kolkotta and in bk, we have to help each other, as we are help less

  38. Sach sunney ki himat hai to call me 7417638112


  40. Pl give full details we can do some thing, we can save the property

  41. अगर कोई भाई या बहन ब्रह्मकुमारी संस्था की वजह से परेशानी में है तो मुझे संपर्क करें

  42. Hi... I am a software engineer... Am aware enought so as not to get brain washed.... BK is not fraud. I have done extensive study and research about them..... Everyone has haters but these people are genuine... They changed my life in a few months... I could quit drinking, mild drugs and wasting my time. My business has flourished.

    Never did they tell me to donate. They are good. Daddiis are mothers... Do a study on them....

    Om shanti

    1. Your openiun is no accountable as you are unnownly bks mentale slave

  43. You are in initial phase Human. As you go deep you will realise the truth. Wait.. until this phase is over...

    1. What do you mean,why should I follow any one

  44. Your case is very old,pl call me on 7417638112,as same case with me,pl help me by your eyperince

  45. Family suffering due to Brahma kumaris ,call 7417638112,we are running cult help group


  47. Yes Brahma kumaris is top doomsday cult in world,
